High Performance Slag

High Performance Slag
Cement Australia’s High Performance (HP) Slag is a supplementary cementitious material (SCM) that enables reduced CO2 in concrete through increased replacement of GP Cement, without compromising strength performance.
HP Slag is a premium GGBFS (Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag) that fully complies with the requirements for GGBFS in Australian Standard AS3582.2 –Supplementary cementitious materials for use with General Purpose and blended cement.
In addition to the benefits of GGBS such as reduced heat of hydration, reduced concrete permeability, and enhanced durability, HP Slag also provides low drying shrinkage and high early age strength. HP Slag is suitable for premixed and pre-cast concrete applications.
*HP Slag - microscope view
Data Sheets
- Enables a significant reduction of embodied CO2 in concrete through increased replacement of GP Cement
- Reduces waste going to landfill
- High early strength development compared with standard slag
- Potential efflorescence reduction
- Lower drying shrinkage
- Enhanced durability and workability
- Improved resistance to chemical attack and chloride penetration
- Reduced Alkali Aggregate Reactions (AAR)
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